Best Tips to Write an Impactful Cover Letter

By Bea

Writing the perfect cover letter is very important for any job application. Many recruiters will start evaluating you from what you say in your cover letter…and may read it even before seeing your CV! What’s…

How To Ace A Phone Job Interview

By Bea

Job interviews can sometimes be inconvenienced by distance and time zones and may need to be conducted over the phone. This does not mean they should be taken any less seriously and can indeed make it…

How to Dress for a Job Interview

By Bea

First impressions say a lot. Even before you get to interact with the interviewer, your dress code gives them a brief insight into who you are as an individual. The company dress code may not…

How To Prepare For a Job Interview

By Bea

Job interviews are among the most dreadful and intimidating ways of making first impressions. On the other side, it is your one opportunity to set yourself apart from other applicants that may be more qualified…

Interview Techniques to Ace your Job Interview

By Bea

Companies have different ways of gauging the competence of potential candidates in an interview. Recruiters use several different interviewing techniques to test a wider range of skills and personal fit. Your responses need to prove…