How to Dress for a Job Interview

By Bea

First impressions say a lot. Even before you get to interact with the interviewer, your dress code gives them a brief insight into who you are as an individual. The company dress code may not be too formal, however, dressing for the job and a job interview is two completely different scenarios. Here are a…

How To Prepare For a Job Interview

By Bea

Job interviews are among the most dreadful and intimidating ways of making first impressions. On the other side, it is your one opportunity to set yourself apart from other applicants that may be more qualified than you or whose credentials are better than yours. In the end, getting a job is not only based on…

Interview Techniques to Ace your Job Interview

By Bea

Companies have different ways of gauging the competence of potential candidates in an interview. Recruiters use several different interviewing techniques to test a wider range of skills and personal fit. Your responses need to prove to the hiring team that you are fit for the job. You should take time, early enough, to prepare for…

How do you go from no experience to a Fortune 100 company?

By Bea

It all started with a gift long time ago. I believe the exact translation of the title is “Why do we lie with eyes and we feel ashamed with our feet”. This was one of the two books which forever changed how I see people, and gave me the key to get from a small…