How to answer “What are your greatest strengths” in a Job Interview

By Bea

If you have interviewed at least a few times you probably have been asked this question more than once. As a matter of fact, it is a very common question across industries and seniority levels. As a candidate, it is important for you to prepare a good answer for this question, not only because you will…

How to answer “What’s your greatest weakness” in a Job Interview

By Bea

Many candidates get really nervous when they are asked “What is your greatest weakness?” during a job interview. Sometimes it is because they do not feel comfortable talking about their weak spots, fearing that disclosing them could decrease their chances of being hired. Sometimes it is simply because they never really thought about which are…

Most common mistake you are making in preparing for a technical interview

By Bea

TL;DR 1. Often technical people prepare to answer technical questions, not to ace a technical interview. That’s why the smartest and most qualified people are not necessarily the ones who get the job. The ones who interview better do (assuming they are qualified); 2. Becoming proficient at interviewing will take very little effort and time…

Best 10 Questions To Ask In Your Next Job Interview

By Bea

You probably have already heard from many people how important is to be ready when the interviewer asks you, “Do you have any questions for me?”. Yes, I agree that is important for many different reasons. It demonstrates interest in the position and company and shows that you have been doing your due diligence. It…

How to answer the “Please tell me about yourself” question in a job interview

By Bea

Almost every interview starts with this question. Therefore your answer will be the first sentences the interviewer is going to hear from you and it might frame the rest of the conversation. This is your chance to give a great first impression. What is the interviewer looking for? 1. A high level summary of your career The…

How To Prepare For a Job Interview

By Bea

Job interviews are among the most dreadful and intimidating ways of making first impressions. On the other side, it is your one opportunity to set yourself apart from other applicants that may be more qualified than you or whose credentials are better than yours. In the end, getting a job is not only based on…

Interview Techniques to Ace your Job Interview

By Bea

Companies have different ways of gauging the competence of potential candidates in an interview. Recruiters use several different interviewing techniques to test a wider range of skills and personal fit. Your responses need to prove to the hiring team that you are fit for the job. You should take time, early enough, to prepare for…